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Funnies Page


You typed them we saw them :D

[14:35] <+SmokingGun> please buy me something nice too .... like fresh adult daipers ... I am running out 
[14:35] <+SnowBelle> O.o
[14:35] <+GumDrops> that shits expensive
[14:35] <+SmokingGun> I know .... that is why we timeshare them :P
[14:35] <+GumDrops> ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[14:35] <+SmokingGun> nbwahaha
[14:35] * GumDrops is now known as GumDrops-bbl
[14:35] <+SmokingGun> oh wait ... we time share the bedpans 
[14:36] <+Storm> timeshare????????????? gross
[14:36] * +SmokingGun shuts up
[14:36] * +SnowBelle shivvers
[14:36] * +SmokingGun winks at SnowBelle
[14:37] <+Skiddz> dammmn SmokingGun i didnt want to know that :((
[14:37] <+SmokingGun> what that I wear adult daipers?
[14:37] <+SmokingGun> aks Storm she changes them for me 
[14:37] <+SmokingGun> *ask
[14:38] <+Storm> nah uh its H|brb's month to change it 
[14:38] <+SnowBelle> nee fok
[14:38] <+SmokingGun> yeah but she neglects me :P
[14:38] <+Skiddz> lol nie ees fok gaan die een help nie SnowBelle
[14:38] <+Skiddz> scared for life
[14:38] <+Storm> lol Skiddz
[14:38] <+SnowBelle> im with Skiddz on this one
[14:38] * +SmokingGun rolls with laughter

[21:15] <@MiDgEtReApEr> Ahhh the net ball girl:P
[21:15] <+just_a_gal> thats me
[21:15] <+just_a_gal> elo koukop
[21:15] <+Th3_Jok3r> LOL
[21:15] <+Th3_Jok3r> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[21:15] <@MiDgEtReApEr> Haha
[21:15] <@MiDgEtReApEr> Sies don't call me that:(
[21:15] <+HeaVenly> jaaa midget knows about kopkou
[21:15] <+HeaVenly> runzzzz
[21:16] * @MiDgEtReApEr slaps storm
[21:16] <@MiDgEtReApEr> It was her fault!

[21:20] <@MiDgEtReApEr> I'd rather be called a job-blow then a blow job

[09:48] <+H|sortahere> he put his wors in the microwave

[09:48] <+H|sortahere> and it shrunk before his very eyes


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